Escape from Clowntown | Comics of E.R. Flynn
Escape From Clowntown Podcast
A Robot Walks into a Bar

A Robot Walks into a Bar

In this Podcast, I take a look at the Artificial Un-intelligence Dystopia.

I don’t know about you, but I spend at least two hours every week on the phone and screaming into automated phone systems, “Operator! Operator! Representative! …Human! Let me talk to a Human!”

This experience on its own makes me very apprehensive regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence in any way, shape, or form.

If you’ve read any Issac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, or even older, Karl Capek, you know one thing: That all robots are not to be trusted and they hate humanity!

Of course we really can’t blame AI and Robots for this hatred. If Humans are the creators of these machines, and we’re are one of the most screwed-up, self-destructive species on the planet, then it’s no big surprise we’d create something as equally funny in the head.

It’s been a while since I released a new podcast episode so I thought I have fun with this one. This episode is dedicated to the hilarious insanity of our future robotic dystopia.

Here’s a list of the segments on this podcast:

0:00 - Intro

0:25 - The future of computers

1:45 - AI Insult Comic

4:40 - By the end of the Century

5:00 - Doc Bot 5000

8:08 - No, that’s Good!

8:41 - Extistential Computer Humor

10:11 - Rent-a-Friend

19:43 - Outro

I hope you enjoyed the show. A new cartoon will be heading your way shortly.



Useful Links to Consider: - The Center For Humane Technology has created a factoid site that presents the invisible harms to society which uncontrolled social media and information distortion is having upon us. - a Course to help people train those who are creating technology to remember to build it with humane standards in mind.

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Escape from Clowntown | Comics of E.R. Flynn
Escape From Clowntown Podcast
Comics, cartoons, humor, podcast and mostly-true tales of comedy from cartoonist and satirist, E.R. Flynn. My comics and humor are heavily influenced by the kind of twisted humor found in MAD, Cracked and National Lampoon magazines. If you’re a fan of sarcastic, ironic, sardonic, and sometimes adult humor, you’ll hopefully enjoy my creations.
My work as been published by The American Bystander, The Nib, The Village Voice, The New York Press, and Dark Horse Publications. You can also find my work in various online sites such as LOL Comedy and Two Fifty One. Look for my published books on Amazon and Goodreads.
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E.R. Flynn