I love these cartoons! The marathon one is my favorite, but they all make me want to go to NYC, a place I've never been.

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It sure has changed a lot. Even since 2020 it seems like a whole new city in some parts.

I was in Alphabet City for 7 years until we got a half-price deal on a place right by the Vessel (They'll definitely boot us out when the covid-deal expires) -- it feels like a totally different planet some days; between Hudson Yards and Little Island (and the little beach they just built there!?) it is a fun place to stomp around... Pier 57 is also a fun new thing to get into... doesn't have the same grime and history of East Village though. I do miss it.

The rat graffiti is popping up everywhere; so are the rats. We had such a bad infestation all over manhattan this past summer; the weather definitely has a lot to do with it.

I spent all of yesterday racing around BK, Queens, and Manhattan after my wife who was in the marathon; the checkpoints and streets being locked down did NOT make it easy... and don't get me started on the terrible Subway service. Holy crap. What a mess.

Anyway. Glad you had a great trip!

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The rats!!! a true icon of NYC

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The rats! Lol!

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by E.R. Flynn

Love the marathon tie in. It was so awesome to see you.

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Alas, American's hometowns everywhere are being erased and replaced by very tall buildings. We're moving UPtown! Loved this, Ed. I've heard that "New York stories" are everywhere there. Ya just hafta walk down the street and there they are.

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Sounds like a great trip - especially coming home inspired!!! Thanks for sharing!! And welcome home!!

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