Thanks for enduring the hand cramps for your art. I love your style.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by E.R. Flynn

Chas Addams! Ed- your cartoon style is growing by leaps & bounds.

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These were good ones especially the Blob in the HR. Meanwhile, we oldsters dealt with the world's bonkerdom by laughing at it. I was just thinking this morning about the ethnic humor that people used to deal with all the different kinds of people in America. Insulting or not, it was like dancing to Ring Around the Rosie was to the bubonic plague. Gen-Z doesn't have a sense of humor at all, so enjoy your ancient symbols and icons. They work for those who still know how to laugh. Oh, and I loved the last cartoon, but the replacement sign far to the right was so far away from the central focal point, it took me a while of scanning the panel to find it and totally get the joke. It was a good one though. Can't hang yourself on a phone cord these days. No more than Superman can change clothes in a phone booth.

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I really enjoyed this post. Growing up in a decidedly no-brow culture family, my first introduction to single panel cartoons were Bill Keane's Family Circus and Gary Larson's Farside. Family Circus never held my attention, but everything I've ever written or drawn after age 10 has Farside DNA somewhere inside.

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Thanks! I should have mentioned Gary Larson in my post. He was also a huge influence as well. Although Gahan Wilson stood out in my mind since I once met him and got to be on the receiving end of his snide wit, "A Cartoonist? What do you want to be one of those for????"

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That's a perfect interaction to have with Gahan Wilson! That's like getting insulted by Don Rickles.

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What a fun newsletter! Thank you!! It makes me realize how similar fine art and gag cartoons are... fine art is a single panel and the title is the gag line 🤔

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Bingo! See the paintings of Robert Williams for great examples of that.

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Oh absolutely!!! And I'm enchanted by what Williams does with the story flow within a single "panel" ... and without obvious sequences from sections within the story. I have a similar perception of Marc Chagall's work...

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